Veteran's Programs
We've tried to provide a listing of the programs available to those who have served our country. Instead of duplicating content we are providing links that will take you to the web page that gives the full details of the program. All the programs on this page are ones we are able to serve from Post 28.
Americanism Programs
Programs of the Americanism Commission are high visibility programs. Most are designed to benefit America’s young people who might be considered average and above. American Legion Boys States and Boys Nation are two such Americanism programs. Others include American Legion Baseball, the High School Oratorical Contest, and the Junior Shooting Sports Program. All are very competitive and highly structured. Get the full details
Children & Youth Programs
Although referred to as programs of children & youth, these programs may be better defined as child welfare work, since they deal almost exclusively with disadvantaged children. C&Y programs address concerns for young people who face social, economic, emotional or physical hurdles. Some examples would be the Legion’s work with the Children’s Miracle Network, childhood immunization efforts, substance abuse prevention, crime prevention (missing children), family emphasis, child safety and Temporary Financial Assistance for veterans’ children. Get the full details
Emblem Sales
Family Support Network
The American Legion’s Family Support Network is ready to provide immediate assistance to service personnel and families whose lives have been directly affected by Operation Iraqi Freedom and America’s war on terror. Get the full details
Financial Assistance (non-scholarship, by referal only)
The National Emergency Fund has provided over $6,000,000 in direct financial assistance to Legion family members and posts. The National Emergency Fund has kept posts from closing and enabled Legion family members to begin to rebuild their homes and their lives. Get the full details
Through Temporary Financial Assistance, a local post can call upon the national organization for cash assistance to help maintain the basic needs of veterans' children. The TFA fund has been used to assist families in meeting the costs of shelter, food, utilities and health expense items when the parents are unable to do so, thereby keeping the child, or children, in a more stable home environment. Get the full details
Law & Order: Police & Fireman of The Year
Every year we send out applications for Fireman and Policeman of the year. They are returned to Post 28 and we pick out one from each group that stands out and present him/her a award. Then we send it on for the state Department to choose from across the State, they present an award at State Convention.
Public Relations Division
The National Public Relations division promotes and publicizes projects, programs and accomplishments of The American Legion. Get the full details
Religious Emphasis
Every thing we stand for is for God and Country with no emphasize on any one Religion as a veterans group we cover all that believe in God.
Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
A full list of all affairs and rehabilitation programs available. Get the full details
Member Benefits
A full list of all member benefits available. Get the full details